Freedom From Self-Harm Series

Self-harm can be an isolating and painful experience. But you CAN recover.

I’ve often felt frustrated by the lack of offerings specifically for those struggling with self-harm. It is a frequently misunderstood symptom of many different mental health challenges, and is much more common than many people think it is.

Because of this, I’ve developed two programs specifically for treating self-harm: The Freedom From Self-Harm Group for Women and The Freedom From Self-Harm Individual Intensive. They both are designed to help you make progress in a relatively short amount of time by becoming more aware of what leads to your self-harm and learning skills for managing urges, tolerating emotions, communicating needs to others, and more. Each offering comes with a workbook that I created, which can either be printed out or completed online, and each emphasizes both quiet introspection and interactions with others (me and/or group members).

The group option allows you to connect with others while learning more about yourself and skills you can use to manage self-harm. However, this group is not a “support” group. While there is some sharing about personal experiences, sharing is mostly limited to in-group exercises and practicing skills. In order to keep group members safe, specific discussion of self-harm does not take place in this setting.

The individual option is designed for those who want more flexibility and individual attention. The program lasts approximately ten hours in total, and is broken up into several sessions based on your schedule and needs. Click here for more info.

My hope is that both of these options will give you time to focus on self-harm in a structured, meaningful way that sometimes is not as possible with standard individual therapy sessions.

Please see the pages for each option for more information (coming soon!)