Seventeen Reasons to Love Online Therapy

online therapy, telehealth

If you’ve never done therapy online before, you may wonder how it is better than going to sessions in person.  While benefits and challenges of both in-person and online therapy vary by person, the following are some reasons why people prefer online therapy:

  1. You can have sessions in the comfort of your own home, rather than in an office that feels unfamiliar.

  2. You can have your favorite blanket or other items that bring you comfort.

  3. You have access to your favorite (non-alcoholic) beverages.

  4. You can have your pet with you.

  5. You can hold your favorite stuffed animal or pillow.

  6. Your sessions are less impacted by bad weather (you can be cozy and warm in your home during your session rather than needing to drive/walk through ice and snow to get to an office)

  7. You save money on transportation costs and parking fees.

  8. You save time coming to and from an office.

  9. Because of the time saved, you need a shorter block of free time to do a session than you would if you had to plan for travel time, so you might be able to have an online session during your lunch break or other similar period of time.

  10. You can move to a new home within the state and continue to see the same therapist.

  11. You can have sessions even if your car breaks down, or if you miss the bus.

  12. You can have your therapy session in any space that is private, including your bedroom, office, or car.

  13. Distance from the therapist doesn’t matter as long as you are in a state where the therapist is licensed (e.g. you can see a therapist who is two hours away from you without worrying about time or distance)

  14. You can access therapy when you are too sick to come to an office but well enough to talk from home.

  15. Some people feel safer when they are in their own space and feel in control of their environment.

  16. You can find a therapist that you really connect with, rather than needing to choose someone based on location.

  17. Overall, it is a great way to do therapy work when you have a busy schedule!

These are just a few things that people like about online therapy.  Which ones do you think you value the most?  And what would you add to the list?


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